+92 323 9050380

Education is a life-long process that begins at birth and takes place in the family and community as much as in school. Education helps children to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes that will be useful throughout their lives. Education also unlocks children's potential and contributes to the development of societies generally. Education played very vital role in the building of a nation as well as the basic tool for the development of any society. In most democracies it is deemed a basic right. It is an established fact that only those nations, having sound educational systems, have made progress.  According to Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

The recent report on education issued by UNESCO has revealed the reality of education in Pakistan. According to this report, Pakistan has almost 5.5 million children that are out of school, the second highest number in the world only after Nigeria. Pakistan also has the highest number of illiterate adults in the world, after India and China. Pakistan is among the 21 countries facing an “extensive” learning crisis. This encapsulates a number of indices, such as enrolment, dropout rates, academic performance and literacy. Pakistan scores low in every index.

HDO has successfully conducted 6 literacy center of adult education for female in FR Bannu. Presently, under the patronage of HDO, two free tuition centers for backward area children are in operation. Where education along with counseling are imparted to children free of cost


HDO works to ensure that all children get access to good quality education by tackling poverty, helping communities run schools, training teachers, developing education policies and curricula, supporting flexible learning schemes, developing educational opportunities for very  children of this deprived area, and providing education for children caught up in emergencies. In this regards all useful and essential steps taken by this group and conducted meetings with communities members as well as teachers societies to enhance the education importance and its fruitful implementation in all institutions of this neglected area. HDO believes that if proper funding and supports from the assistance communities handed over all sort of potential will be utilized by HDO management through collaboration with government and stakeholders for sustainability and participatory approaches.