+92 323 9050380
Name of organization:
Human Development Organization (HDO)

Type of the organization (CBO/NGO/

Private sector/Others – specify)

Legal Status
Registered In the Office of the Provincial Registrar Joint Stock Company, Society Act 1860 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and   Registered with FATA Directorate of Social Welfare under Control Ordinance 1961.
Establishment Date
January 2009
Registration Date
Society Act 19 March, 2009 and FATA DSW 31 January 2013.
Registration Number
Society Act 348 /5/ 5831 and DSW/FATA/23
Registration by PCP & EAD
Recognized by Pakistan Center for Philanthropy as NPO & Issued Acknowledgement certificate by Economic Affair Division in 2019
Bank Information

1.MCB Mir Ali Branch, Al-Faqir Plaza, Kohat Chongi, Kohat Road, District Bannu, Account Number; 0192578871000492,

Title; Human Development Organization,

Signatories; Shah Ahmad Khan and Faqir Husain

2. MCB Bannu Main Branch, Out Side Paredy Gate, Bannu City, Account Number; 0192578871001237,  Title; Human Development Organization,

HDO envision for a prosperous society where every member has a dignified life, having the basic facilities of life and has easy an equitable access to the resources the area.
To improve the quality of living standard of the deprived, vulnerable and marginalized communities, women and children in particular, through the interventions in education, health, environment, wash, gender equality and community physical infrastructure, skill development, capacity building, public health on sustainable basis.
Geographical Spread
HDO currently working in southern part of KP and newly merged Districts of ex-FATA, However it has been gearing up to extend its program to other part of Pakistan including KP and ex-FATA
Contact Person:
Shah Ahmad Khan (CEO)
Cell No:
0323-9050380, 0928-620070
Email Address:
Postal Address
House # 154/C, Street Yatim Khana, Near Chambili Chowk, Opposite Neighbour-hood council III, City II, Bannu City